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If you are 18-25 [ish!] come and join us. We enjoy gathering around tables, campfires, and coffee pots... taking time to be thankful, share stories, and encourage one another. We seek to be resourceful as we care for our environment and learn to notice God in our ‘everyday’. Together we each bring our unique skills and creativity to serve.  Here are some ways you can get involved...


Come along to our termly social. A great way to get to know each other, whether it's Pizza + Ping Pong, curry night or a campfire. 


Cultivate a rhythm of prayer, by carving out time to be still and reflect. You may like to make use of the on-site Glenwood Prayer Space, join our Prayer Collective, or find the Sacred Space app a useful tool. We also take pilgrimage days across Wales once a term:  coast • forest • city • river


Bring your skills, and discover new ones! Whether it is volunteering on a team, coming here for your placement, or joining the internship programme. There are lots of ways you can get involved in the life of Glenwood.



Our community grew from a big shared house with rhythms of prayer and meal times together. Now more spread out across various houses, we still try to gather together around our busy schedules - sharing thanks, food, and the washing up! This is also a smaller setting where we can go deeper as we explore faith and wellbeing together.


We host a weekly Study Space. A quiet productive environment to work on your latest assignment or passion project - with wifi, big tables, and coffee!


Our Glenwood Gathering is on Sundays at 10:45. Once a month 18-25s stick around for lunch after the service too...



Perhaps you would like to get involved or find out more? We'd love to hear from you! Get in touch with Laura using the form below, have a nose at the latest Glenwood news and happenings on facebook, or stay connected with the Glenwood Youth Community on Instagram

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