Wellbeing encompasses a person’s mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and relational wellness. As a Faith Community we recognise wellbeing as the ‘Shalom’ of God, which is a holistic peace intended for everyone. With a focus on wellbeing, Glenwood hopes to be a safe space where each individual is valued and has something positive to contribute. Our designated Wellbeing Space provides a place for people to access support, to connect, to learn, to grow, and to belong...
Sharing life together is part of what it means to be a community, and as we connect with one another this can help our wellbeing. You are welcome here, as we gather around activities, meals, shared interests, courses, or the coffee pot!
Paying attention to the present moment is a helpful way to wellbeing: slowing down and noticing both our inner thoughts and feelings, as well as our body and the world around us. As a Faith Community we practise being still before God, believing that our spiritual life is intrinsically connected to our wellbeing as a whole.
Picking up new skills or taking in different experiences can help boost self confidence and give opportunities to connect with others. You may like to come on ‘Get Cooking’ course, give knitting a go, or be looking to learn English...
Get in touch to find out more.
So much room is found in God - spacious and expansive - that everything finds its proper place without crowding. Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies.
- Col 1:19-20